Nursery use Seesaw to share experiences from home. Where appropriate, there may be a short voluntary task on Seesaw for you to complete with your child. Reading books are sent home accordingly to share with your child at home.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on
Homework for Reception
In Reception, each child will be given homework tasks on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday. It is important that homework is returned by the Wednesday to allow time for marking as well as setting the following week’s homework. Homework should be completed using a pencil.
Please work with your child and encourage them to complete their homework and treat their book with respect. Homework reinforces the teaching being carried out in school, but please do not expect your child to work independently at this young age.
All children have the new phonemes taught that week on their homework, as well as words they can read with new phonemes in. Tricky words are also sent home to reinforce learning. Numbots logins are sent home if children want to complete online maths games. Seesaw logins are also included in homework books, children can use this to share things from home and share reading at home.
All children will take home a reading book, at their level, on a Friday. Books and Reading records complete with comments should be returned on the following Wednesday. We read the same book three times in school. Once for decoding, once for expression (prosody) and once more for fluency. The children should be able to read the book fluently at home. Please note that all additional reading completed, by you, with your child, over and above the school books, can only be beneficial to them and will help them become more fluent and develop a love of reading. Please note: we will not be able to issue a new reading book until the previous one has been returned.
Your child will also have a Reading Record. This is to be returned on Friday along with the reading book. In the front of the Reading Record, you will find a list of comments which may help you when writing in your child’s reading record. These comments will help school understand how your child has read to you at home. Please try to write 2-3 comments weekly.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Homework for Year 1 and Year 2
Each child will be given homework tasks on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday. It is important that all homework is returned by the Wednesday to allow time for marking as well as setting the following week’s homework. Homework should be completed using a pencil.
Please work with your child and encourage them to complete their homework and treat their book with respect. Homework reinforces the teaching being carried out in school, but please do not expect your child to work independently at this young age.
All children will have between 3-6 spelling words to learn weekly. Please practise the spellings little and often from Friday until Wednesday using the spelling tasks provided and other methods you think appropriate. Spelling tests will take place each Wednesday.
All children will have a small amount of maths work to complete weekly. This can be found on a separate sheet in the homework book or maths games set on TTRS and Power Maths. Logins for TTRS, Power Maths and Seesaw can be found in the front of your child’s homework book.
All children will take home a reading book, at their level, on a Friday. Books and Reading records complete with comments should be returned on the following Friday. We read the same book three times in school. Once for decoding, once for expression (prosody) and once more for fluency. The children should be able to read the book fluently at home. Please note that all additional reading completed, by you, with your child, over and above the school books, can only be beneficial to them and will help them become more fluent and develop a love of reading. Please note: we will not be able to issue a new reading book until the previous one has been returned.
Your child will also have a Reading Record. This is to be returned on Friday along with the reading book. In the front of the Reading Record, you will find a list of comments which may help you when writing in your child’s reading record. These comments will help school understand how your child has read to you at home. Please try to write 2-3 comments weekly.
If you have any questions, or queries, please contact us at directly at or
Thank you for your support.
Homework for Year 3
Homework will be given out on a Friday and is to be returned on a Wednesday morning.
Children in Year 3 will receive either a Maths or English homework task which is relating to the children’s learning in school that week. Sometimes this work may be based upon current themes, e.g. The Olympics.
Children will also receive some Y3 spellings to write in a sentence to help them learn the spelling rule, as well as understand the meaning of the word in context. An overview of the spellings being taught in every term will be given out at the start of each term and stuck into the children’s homework book.
Children are expected to read regularly (school home-loan or own books). Reading books will be changed on an individual basis. Children will be reminded each day to change their reading book. Each week your child should record 3 comments in their Reading Record. Reading Records will be collected in every Friday.
Children are also expected to learn their times tables. Your child has been given a ‘Times Table Rockstars’ login. This is stuck in their reading record. Times Table Rockstars can be accessed via a web browser or via the app.
We ask homework to be completed using pencil and we would be appreciative if parents/carers could check their child’s homework before it is returned to school.
If you have any questions, or queries, please contact us at directly at
Homework for Year 4
Homework will be given out on a Friday and is to be returned on a Wednesday morning.
Children in Year 4 will receive either a Maths or English homework task which is relating to the children’s learning in school that week. Sometimes this work may be based upon current themes, e.g. The Olympics.
An overview of the spellings being taught in every term will be given out at the start of each term and stuck into the children’s homework book.
Children are expected to read regularly (school home-loan or own books). Reading books will be changed on an individual basis. Children will be reminded each day to change their reading book. Each week your child should record 3 comments in their Reading Record. Reading Records will be collected in every Friday and checked.
Children are also expected to learn their times tables. Times table practise sheets or times table activities will also be given weekly Your child has been given a ‘Times Table Rockstars’ login. This is stuck in the back of their homework book. Times Table Rockstars can be accessed via a web browser or via the app. By the end of Year 4, children are expected to be able to quickly recall all of their times table facts in any order and they will take part in the National Multiplication Times Table assessment.
If you have any questions, or queries, please contact us at directly at
Homework for Year 5
Children in Year 5 have a Maths and an English CGP question book. Each week the children are asked to do 1-2 pages from each book, relating to the work they have carried out in school that week.
Children also have a grey homework book in which they carry out weekly spelling activity which is related to our spelling focus in school that week. An overview of the spellings being taught in that term will be given out at the start of each term and stuck into the children’s grey homework book. Children also complete a short times table task. The children are also encouraged to access TT Rockstars from home.
All homework is handed out on a Friday and all three homework books are due in on a Wednesday.
Children are also expected to read at home three times a week and record this in their reading record. Reading records are handed in on a Friday.
If you have any questions, or queries, please contact us at directly at
Homework for Year 6
Children in Year 6 have a Maths and an English CGP question book. Each week the children are asked to do 1-2 pages from each book, relating to the work they have carried out in school that week.
Children also have a grey homework book in which they carry out weekly spelling activities. An overview of the spellings being taught in that term will be given out at the start of each term and stuck into the children’s grey homework book. Children are sometimes given spellings to learn at home that they will be tested on in school. Children also complete a short times table task. The children are also encouraged to access TT Rockstars from home.
All homework is handed out on a Friday and all three homework books are due in on a Wednesday.
Children are also expected to read at home three times a week and record this in their reading record. Reading records are handed in on a Friday.
If you have any questions, or queries, please contact us at directly at
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact school.