At The Glebe Primary School, E-Safety is a priority and an important part of our curriculum. Staff work together to ensure that there is a progressive e-safety curriculum in place for our children. We ensure that they are aware of the benefits, dangers and how to deal with issues and concerns when using the internet and electronical devices, both at school and at home. We work with parents to make them aware of modern technological advances, safety updates and how they can support their children at home.
A Message From Barnardo’s
As parents and carers, we all want the very best for our children and strive to protect them from people and places that put them in danger. Sadly, sexual exploitation affects thousands of children every year, and with technology now such a big part of our day to-day lives, children are vulnerable in ways they have never been before. The guide below has been created by Barnardo’s to help you protect your child against these dangers – giving you clear, practical and useable advice.
Please click on the link to access the guide: Be Safe – Helping you protect your child
Online Safety Newsletters
Please click on the links below to read our Online Safety Newsletters:
Online Safety Newsletter October 2023
Online Safety Newsletter September 2023
Click images above to enlarge |
Please click on the link below to download/view advice on Parental Controls:
The Glebe Parental Controls Booklet
Please click on the link below to download/view a copy of our E-Safety Policy:
Please feel free to use the following links to develop your own knowledge:
For children
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Digital Duck’s big decision (Storybook)
Lower Key Stage 2: Year 3 and Year 4
The adventures of Kara Winston and the SMART Crew
Upper Key Stage 2: Year 5 and Year 6
For parents
Keeping your child safe – A Checklist
Parents and carers guide to the internet
Young people and social networking
Please click on the link below to access our E-Safety Advice page for parents:
E-Safety Advice for Parents Page
If you have an e-safety concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Callaghan or your child’s class teacher.