Remote Learning at The Glebe

Remote Learning Policy

Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents and Carers:
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire classes to remain at home. As a school we need to make arrangements to continue the education of your child should there be any closures in school due to COVID-19.

The Remote Curriculum: What is taught to pupils at home?
The remote education at The Glebe is as close to the classroom curriculum as is possible and appropriate. And, just like our classroom curriculum, it is carefully sequenced and ensures that children obtain the building blocks they need to move on to the next step. Adaptations will be made in order for the sessions to be successful at home.

To see what each year group is offering for remote learning, with pictures of the children’s work, please click on the links below:

Nursery Remote Learning

Reception Remote Learning

Year 1 Remote Learning

Year 2 Remote Learning

Year 3 Remote Learning

Year 4 Remote Learning

Year 5 Remote Learning

Year 6 Remote Learning

Remote Teaching and Study Time Each Day
How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?
Government guidance (updated on 7th January, 2021) states that for Key Stage 1 pupils, three hours of remote education must be provided and Key Stage 2 pupils should be provided with four hours remote education a day. The DfE state that provision will include ‘both recorded or live direct teaching time, and time for pupils to complete tasks and assignments independently.’
At The Glebe, each year group will have a suggested daily timetable, which mirrors a typical school day from 9am to 3pm. Activities for all year groups will include a daily zoom lesson, Seesaw tasks and paper based activities. There will be daily maths, English and wider curriculum work.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:
• All parents have been invited to request to lend a laptop or ipad from school, by contacting the school office;
• Staff have spoken with parents of children not accessing zoom sessions or seesaw, to offer support in access through laptops or devices to enable internet connections;
• Printed materials are provided where children are unable to access work online;
• Work which has been completed on printed materials can be returned to school weekly, or uploaded through photographs to the year group email or Seesaw.

How will my child be taught remotely?
In the event of full or partial closure, teachers will use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:
• A daily live teaching (online) zoom session delivered by the class teacher;
• Recorded teaching (from educational sites or video/audio recordings made by teachers or teaching assistants);
• Learning activities shared through Seesaw;
• Printed work packs;
• Daily contact with pupils/parents via Seesaw and the class email account between the hours of 9am and 3pm;
• Use of websites to support the teaching of specific subjects or areas, including video clips e.g. BBC, The Oak Academy, Joe Wicks;

At The Glebe Primary, there will be a daily zoom lesson, where children will be taught specifically by their own teacher or the teacher in their year group. We have timetabled these sessions to ensure children with siblings are able to attend at different times across the school day:

Daily Class Zoom Lesson with Class Teacher
Year Group Time of Session
Year 6 9:15-10am
Year 5 9:15-10am
Year 1 10-10:30am
Year 2 10:30-11am
Year 3 11-11:30am
Year 4 1-1:50pm
Reception 1:50-2:10
Nursery Group sessions scheduled between 2:10 and 3pm

Wednesday Singing Session with Mr Gibson and Miss Sheraton
Year Group Time of Session
Year 2 9:05-9:25am
Year 3 9:25-9:45am
Year 4 9:45-10:05am
Year 6 10:05-10:25am
Reception 10:45-11:05am
Year 5 11:05-11:25am
Year 1 11:25-11:45am

Year group teachers may arrange other Zoom sessions for groups of children at other times, for example the Year 6 Quiz afternoon, smaller group interventions and small group social sessions.

Engagement and Feedback
What do we expect from pupils learning remotely?
We expect pupils to work as hard at home as they would if they were in school. We expect them to complete the work set by the teacher for them and to submit it, as arranged with the parent regularly. We would like all children to access regular zoom sessions, wherever possible, to enable them to see their teacher and the other children in their class, as well as benefit from live teaching.

What happens if they do not complete their work?
Teachers or Teaching Assistants will make contact with parents of children who are not engaging in remote learning to see what else the school can do to support their learning and encourage engagement. If contact is not made with parents/carers and/or pupils continue to not engage with their learning, a member of the senior leadership team will make contact and may visit the home. Where engagement is of concern, attendance procedures may be undertaken.

How do pupils share their work with the teacher?
Work completed on Seesaw is accessible to the teacher and Teaching Assistants. Work can also be emailed to the year group email account, or handed into the school office as a last resort.

Will the teacher feedback on the work?
Feedback from teachers and teaching assistants can take many forms and will not always mean written comments for individual children. Like in school, teachers will decide which pieces of work to mark and give feedback on. Whole class feedback, automatic feedback or another form of acknowledgement may be given via Seesaw or email, depending on how the work has been shared.

How can the children ask their teacher questions?

Children can ask their teacher questions during the zoom lesson and they can also send them messages via Seesaw.

How can parents or carers communicate with the teacher?
You can contact the teacher via the year group email which can be found in the ‘contact us’ section at the bottom of the page.
If you have any other concerns or questions, you are also welcome to contact the school office on 01642 360876 or email:
Please note, emails will be responded to when the teacher is available to and only between the hours of 8:30-3:30pm.

Additional Support for Pupils with Particular Needs
At The Glebe, we recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without additional support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families and we will work with parents and carers to support in the following ways:
• Providing separate zoom sessions on occasions to give 1-1 or small group teaching;
• Ensuring that activities are tailored to the needs of the children and are accessible without teacher support;
• Providing on-going support to both pupils and their parents via the year group email address, Seesaw and phone calls;

Individual Self-Isolation
If a child is self-isolating they will be provided with work on a daily basis via Seesaw or email if unable to access Seesaw. The work provided will be similar to what the children in class are covering, as far is appropriate. Where there is significant new learning taking place in class that requires teacher input, the child may be directed to a relevant lesson on Oak Academy or BBC Bitesize and on their return to school a teacher or teaching assistant will check their understanding and provide further teaching if required.

Contact Us
You can make direct contact with your child’s teacher via the year group emails below.  Please put your child’s name in the subject of the email.

If you have any questions for the School Office, we are available at