
The Glebe Primary School Safeguarding


‘The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.’

‘..all staff know they have a responsibility to ensure pupils are safe.’ 

The Glebe Primary School – Ofsted 2019


Child Protection Policy

 The Glebe Primary School Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy


Safeguarding lead members of staff

Designated person for Safeguarding and Child Protection:  Mrs J Moralee

Nominated Deputy for Safeguarding and Child Protection:  Mrs BJ Carnelly and Miss E Sawdon

Safeguarding Team Member:  Mrs L Chisholm

Designated Governors:  Mrs G Broome

SENDCO:  Mrs E Gilbey (Miss C Mead while Mrs Gilbey is on maternity leave)

LAC:  Miss C Mead

E-Safety officer:  Mrs L Callaghan

Please report any concerns you may have.


If you are unable to speak to one of the designated officers, for example out of school time, please contact:

Hartlepool and Stockton on Tees Children’s Hub on: 01642 130080 or 01429284284

For outside office hours contact the Emergency Duty Team on: 08702402994