The Glebe Primary School
Gateway to Learning where Every Body Excels
In our inclusive school we value, seek and understand and identify potential in everyone in our school community to engage in the life of the school and the wider community.
We promote values which include: British democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs (and no faith) – alongside an appreciation and celebration of difference and diversity (reflecting all protected characteristics and social class). We promote rights and accept that with rights come responsibility.
Valuing our cultural heritage, we explore our local, regional and national heritage and British history, both positive and negative – learning from history and taking pride in positive contributions made.
‘Democratic processes and an understanding of and respect for individual differences, different cultures and traditions within society, underpin the ethos of the school. This ensures that pupils are well equipped for life in modern Britain.’
The Glebe Primary School – Ofsted 2016