The Glebe Primary School
Gateway to Learning where Every Body Excels
Responses from Questionnaires, 2015-2016
Thank you for all the completed questionnaires. The comments made on the questionnaires are really helpful and form part of our school improvement planning.
We were very pleased with the positive response to the questions.
As a result we do consider and act on comments on the questionnaires.
- Key Stage 1 shelter
Following a request last year for a shelter in Key Stage 1 playground for the rain and the sun, Friends of the Glebe supported school in paying half for the shelter now erected in the Key Stage 1 playground.
- School meals
The school pays for a meal service in school.
The kitchen at school has to provide meals which meet national guidelines. The kitchen have set menus each week. The menus can be found on a link from our school website.
Hard copies of the school menus are kept in the entrance.
If children have individual needs the cook, Mrs. Roberts is very willing to talk to any parents/ carers.
The school are considering different ways of organising the school meal service so that parents are more aware of what their children are eating. More information will be provided later in the year.
- School reports and 1:1 meetings
Some parents stated that as the school report is sent home during the penultimate week of the summer term they do not have long to organise meetings with the class teacher.
Therefore the reports will be sent out a week earlier this year.
- School visits
Some parents wanted their children to have more school visits outside school.
The children take part in a number of trips each year, often as a start to their cross curricular work.
The cost of the coaches is high. The school subsidises all school trips but rely on voluntary contributions to cover the cost of the trip.
The school have noted the comments and where possible will consider visits which will further the enjoyment and knowledge of the children.
Response from Questionnaires Autumn 2014
Thank you for all the completed questionnaires. The comments made on the questionnaires are really helpful and do form part of our school improvement planning.
We were very pleased with the positive response to the questions however we do consider all comments on the questionnaires.
1. There was comment about children who are always good in school being over-looked.
We had planned to do a half termly draw for all children who had never received an amber or red card. The awards would be for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. We have decided to alter that to one winner per class. It will be drawn this week and the week before the Christmas break.
2. A number of parents in the lower school questioned procedures for head lice.
School nurses used to come into school to check children’s hair. They found that was not cost effective because if they missed one louse the child was re-infected and a number of other children would be re-infected.
When we are aware of head lice in a class we send out a standard letter so that all parents check in a more detailed way than the school Nurse could manage- in her allotted time.
3. A number of parents in Key Stage 1 were concerned about the lack of school trips. We do try and bring in members of the community and we do try to use facilities in the local community. School trips are expensive and the cost of buses is high. School trips also rely on parent volunteers to support the children on the trip.We do subsidise school trips from money raised during the year. The school never make a profit from any school trips. However we do request contributions for trips to cover the cost.
4. Some parents stated that they are not given enough notice of events etc. We do a termly calendar and we do endeavour to get dates out to you as soon as possible. However the comments will be acted on and discussed in school and we aim to improve the communications.
5. One parent stated that her child was rushed at lunchtime. I have made it clear to all staff that children should not be rushed with their lunch and I continue to check that this is not the case.
6. One parent in Reception stated that a shelter would be useful in wet weather. Key Stage 2 parents and Reception could use the outside classroom and the small shelter and we are planning to consider a shelter for Key Stage 1 next year.
7. One parent said that they were not informed of the new class until a day before the end of term. The class is given out on the annual report which usually is sent home a week before the end of term or the Monday of the last week. There is always an option to make an appointment and to come in to speak to the present teacher about the report and any concerns they may have.
8. The school pay for a school meal service in school. The kitchen at school has to provide meals which meet national guidelines. The kitchen have set menus each week. The menus can be found on a link from our school website. Hard copies of the school menus are kept in the entrance. If children have individual needs, the cook, Mrs. Roberts, is very willing to talk to any parents/carers.
Thank you again for your continued support.
The school does value any constructive ideas for improving the work of the school.