Don’t forget our Harvest activities . The timetable for the Harvest Activity Sessions is:

Monday 10th October 9.10 a.m.—10.20 a.m.
Year 5
Tuesday 11th October 9.10 a.m.—10.20 a.m.
Year 3
Monday 10th October 1.40 p.m.—3.00 p.m.
Year 4
Tuesday 11th October 1.40 p.m.—3.00 p.m.
Year 6
Wednesday 12th October 1.40 p.m.—3.00 p.m.
Year 1
Thursday 13th October 1.40 p.m.—3.00 p.m.
Year 2
Friday 14th October 1.40 p.m.—3.00 p.m.
We will also be collecting across the week for the local food bank and would ap-preciate any donations of non-perishable food items or toiletries if you are able to. These can be sent into school any day between Monday 10th October and Friday 14th October.
Nursery will be sharing their own timetable and holding their sessions in the Nursery area. All other sessions will be held in the main school halls. If you are able to attend the session, please complete the form sent to you and return to school as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing lots of you in school!