After a very busy few weeks, we would like to thank all of our parents and carers for being so supportive of the measures that we have had to imple-ment over the course of the last half term.

It has been wonderful to see the children enjoying being back in school and continuing with their learning journeys, together with their friends and our dedicated staff. The children have all been so adaptable, and are truly a credit to the school and their families.

A huge ‘Thank You’ goes to all of our wonderful staff (teachers, teaching assistants, lunchtime staff, cleaners, premises and office staff), who have worked tirelessly to provide a safe and happy environment in which the children can thrive and reach their potential. A special mention to Mr Nicholson, our Site Manager, who has ordered and refilled more soap dispensers and paper-towel holders than he ever dreamed possible!!

We wish you all a happy and healthy half term break, and we look forward to welcoming the children back to school on 2nd November, refreshed and ready to learn.