Dear Parents and Carers
I do hope everyone has a restful break during the summer holidays.
We have had another fantastic year in school with so many wonderful events, activities, sporting fixtures and trips. We have gained highly regarded accreditations such as Leading Parent Partnership, Bronze Stonewall Award and Gold Standard Sports Award (again!), to name but a few.
The children leaving Foundation have achieved very good levels of development and are ready for their transition into Key Stage 1. The children in Year 1 completed the phonics test and we were so proud of their attitude and their hard work. Both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children ap-proached all the statutory tests with a positive attitude and the results reflected this.
We are incredibly proud of each and every one of the children and the progress that they continue to make—both personally and academically.
Thank you to all of the parents and carers and the whole Glebe Primary staff who help the children on their journeys.
Mrs Repton