
The School Finance Manager is Mrs. L. Boyle.

Caretaker is Mr. C. Gardener.

Miss Walshimg-141215163341-0001Something I like about The Glebe
That all of the children are polite and respectful to each other and all members of staff. This means that learning is fun and enjoyable for all.

Something that I dislike
I really dislike birds, especially pigeons.

One interesting fact about me
I was a pupil at The Glebe when I was younger. Mrs Hall was my year 3 teacher!

Mrs Thurlowimg-141215163341-0002Something I like about The Glebe
Friendly, polite children that work as a team.

Something I dislike
If I see children sat alone at playtime or lunchtime (thankfully this doesn’t happen often).

One interesting fact about me
I love to sing in karaokes!

Miss Gilbeyimg-141215163341-0003Something I like about The Glebe
I like how I get to work in Nursery and Y2 with different children of different ages.

Something I dislike
I do not like spiders.

One interesting fact about me
I sang on stage with Sinitta at Butlins in Skegness!

Miss Talbotimg-141215163341-0004Something I like about The Glebe
Working in a range of year groups throughout the school.

Something I dislike

One interesting fact about me
I taught myself to play guitar

Miss Darcyimg-141215163341-0005Something I like about The Glebe
Polite children.

Something I dislike

One interesting fact about me
I’ve had 5 dogs!

Miss Applebyimg-141215163341-0006Something I like about The Glebe
How friendly all the children and staff are. Also how supportive the staff are.

Something I dislike

One interesting fact about me
I did a skydive in Las Vegas!

Mrs Garbuttimg-141215163341-0007Something that I like about The Glebe
I love how helpful and kind all the staff and pupils are.

Something I dislike
I dislike bad manners

One interesting fact about me
I love knitting and crocheting!